dimanche 17 octobre 2010


1. After studying media for eight weeks in this class, what have you learned? Please be specific.

I've learned to be very critical of what I choose to expose myself to; media wise. The power tools are basically judgmental criteria we apply to media.

2. What is the most important thing you have learned about yourself as a critical reader, a writer, and a thinker in this class so far?

I tend to want to examine the media in a way that I'm always playing devil's advocate. If I feel there is an exception to the rule I pursue it.

3. What's one thing you would do differently this first half of the semester if you were to take this class again?

I would try to apply what I'm learning now to my internship. I intern remotely for a Hispanic advertising and PR firm in NYC. Hispanics are the largest minority and the hardest to target effectively.

4. What's one thing you would like me to do differently this first half of the semester if you were to take this class again?

I'd like you to examine the corperate structure of the six major media groups and find out who CEOs' are and such. I'd also like to know who accounts for the remaining 10%.

5. Please comment on the usefulness of the power tools, our quizzes, the course blog, your personal blog, our films, and our books (AMUSING, FEED, MEDIA/SOCIETY) as learning tools.

I think they a compliment each other well. I will say now that I work a lot more for this class than any other, and sometimes the information gets a little overwhelming. For example keeping up with blogs isn't really my thing. I understand the importance but I dislike forced blogging. I'd much rather have face-to-face interaction. I'd rather it come naturally, this way it is displayed with meaning rather than out of necessity.

2 commentaires:

  1. How funny that you are interning for a Hispanic PR firm and your blog is en francais, Kurt.

    Is that ironic? Or maybe since both Spanish and French are romance languages...

    In any case, thanks for your useful feedback here...

    Onward and audeamus!

    Dr. W

  2. I am living proof of the existence of globalization. I live near NYC so Hispanic culture has always been present. It comes with the territory of being part of a global trading hub, among other things. Diversity is my home. I just enjoy culture and the best way to understand culture is to participate in it by immersion. For me, I think that is the only way one can truly understand a different POV.
