dimanche 17 octobre 2010

Debunking Dollar Replacment

Project Censored Article: Analysis of Project Censored: Are We a Left-Leaning, Conspiracy-Oriented Organization?

New World Order Currency Announced: by theHumanstainNet

1. Dmitry Medvedev reveled “Unity and Diversity” coin at G8 delegation in July of 2009.

2. The main advocates for replacing the dollar have been BRIC countries and countries strongly tied to them by trade.


3. The US will have a hard time continuing the support of military active unless military spending decreases.

United for Peace & Justice

4. The Chris Hedges quote is skewed to make the US look bad compared to China; of all comparisons to make!

CIA World Fact Book

5. Michael Hudson needs to read more. His closing paragraph is false because there has been plenty of discussion surrounding “De-Dollarization” but no one seems to like your article. Even Ron Paul has a youtube video discussing it.

My LexisNexis search of "replace the dollar" came back with 995 results. The majority of which discussed the topic at hand.

1 commentaire:

  1. GOOD ORAL blog post here on DEBUNKING DOLLAR, Kurt.

    Funny - on Michael Hudson here.

    Can you "unpack" your criticisms of Project Censored more fully here? Take 'em to the woodshed.


    Dr. W
