mercredi 29 septembre 2010

Media Meditation #2: Wall Street Money Never Sleeps – Oh Yesss, Blue Horse still loves Anacott Steel!

Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps : 'Start Calling Me Gordon'

Gordon Gekko is back in the best way…greedy. This movie killed it! I don’t know what you heard about sequels but it does NOT apply to Wall Street 2. Oliver Stone’s movie was nothing short of brilliant and he delivered the old Wall Street with current spunk. The imagery and symbolism in the movie is awesome, especially if you’re from NY metropolitan area. I don’t want to spoil the movie for you because is absolutely a must see. The sound track is mostly all David Byrne and he gives the movie some weird 80s nostalgia feel for some reason. Everything about this movie is up to date though, IBMs and brick cell phones have been replaced with six monitors streaming ticker tapes and daily stock prices and the cell phones are now Blackberries. No, not the ones you eat.

For those of you who haven't seen the first one, do yourself a favor and rent it. These moves deal with high powered , highly paid traders on Wall St. who influence people to invest in public businesses among other things. As with a lot of Oliver Stone movies, its goal is to reveal the ugly face of some of the characters involved. He tries to show how laws around our system for business get broken and bypassed almost seamlessly through lies and secrecy. Insider trading for example.If you want to have a taste of what scandals such the Martha Stewart insider trading headline, and Lehman Brothers, watch these films.

Relevant magazine: Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps

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1 commentaire:

  1. Satisfactory blogging here, Kurt.

    You've selected a fabulous subject - Stone's remake of his 1980s classic.

    Give us MUCH MORE in the way of depth and analysis.

    And don't forget to "caption and credit" your photo embed.

    Dr. W
